Delivery and delivery times

Estimated Delivery Date & Time depends on the Status of the product and to which country it should be delivered.


  • Status: Vase or Product “is available”: the Vase or Product is “not in stock” and will be made when ordered. Most items are handmade and allow 4-6 weeks before finished /before the item is shipped.
  • Status: Vase or Product “is in stock”: the Vase or Product is ready for shipment. 

Items are shipped from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The delivery time is between 1 and 5 working days for The Netherlands. Outside The Netherlands the delivery time is very difficult to indicate. This depends on its destination. But no longer than 4 weeks.

Follow your Parcel for delivery time.

You will receive a “Track & Trace” code once the parcel is on its way. An easy way of following your shipment online. PostNL is dependent on data exchange with their international partners for Track & Trace details.


All items will be shipped insured. The Vases are shipped in a specially made box. Other products are carefully packed.

Do you need your parcel sooner? Please conatct us for the possibilities: or by phone +31-(0)6 15962846.